🎯 Events in JavaScript :-
⇨ JavaScript's interaction with HTML is handled through events that occur when the user or the browser manipulates a page.
⇨ When the page loads, it is called an event. When the user clicks a button, that click too is an event. Other examples include events like pressing any key, closing a window, resizing a window, etc.
🎯How To Add Event in JavaScript?
⇨ Javascript events apply to the HTML elements,
e.g- we can add an event to a button.
this is how we can add:
here event is the event handler and doSomething is executed when calling an event
🢖 A click is an event.
🢖 on click is an event handler e.g: click means when a user clicks. what will happen?
🢖 The code in "double quotations is js code which will be executed".
❍ All Events in Javascript
⇨ Click - Execute code on click
⇨ Double Click - Execute code on Double click
⇨ Right Click - Execute code on Right click
⇨ Mouse Hover - Execute code on Hovering
⇨ Mouse Out - Execute code on mouse leaving
⇨ Mouse Down - Execute code on pressing mouse button
⇨ Mouse Up - Execute code on releasing mouse button
⇨ Key Press - Execute code on pressing any key
⇨ Key Up - Execute code on releasing the key
⇨ Load - Execute code on page load
⇨ Un Load - Execute code on page reload or closing
⇨ Resize - Execute code on window resizing.
⇨ Scroll - Execute code on scrolling
⛔Note: You Must have to add "on", before every event.
🎯How to use Events in best way?
⇨ Make a function of all the code you want to be executed when a specific event calls and pass that function to the event handl
function myFunction() { alert("Your Page is loaded"); }
⇨ function will be called on page
I hope this thread was helpful to you if you like it drop your comments