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advanced pseudo-class and pseudo-element CSS tips for styling web pages: Use :nth-child() and :nth-of-type() to target specific elements in a list or...
There are several fake REST APIs that you can use to build prototypes: JSON Placeholder - A simple and robust REST API that provides fake data for...
Hello Everyone! we will look at this article on how to use media query. Media query is a CSS technique introduced in CSS3. It uses the @media rule to...
we will look it out In HTML, What is the preferred way to specify HTML codes like ", and what is the major differences " " " There really...
display is fully defined in their own individual specifications; for example, the detail of what happens when display: flex is declared is defined in...
caption-side: (top | bottom | left | right) This is used to define the position of a caption in a table. table-layout: (auto | fixed) The CSS...