The CSS display property is specified using keyword values.


1 min read

display is fully defined in their own individual specifications; for example, the detail of what happens when display: flex is declared is defined in the CSS Flexible Box Model specification.

/ legacy values / display: block; display: inline; display: inline-block; display: flex; display: inline-flex; display: grid; display: inline-grid; display: flow-root;

/ box generation / display: none; display: contents;

/ two-value syntax / display: block flow; display: inline flow; display: inline flow-root; display: block flex; display: inline flex; display: block grid; display: inline grid; display: block flow-root;

/ other values / display: table; display: table-row; / all table elements have an equivalent CSS display value / display: list-item;

/ Global values / display: inherit; display: initial; display: revert; display: unset;